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The ELDAA approach

Doulas are people of service and our values define the heart of who we are. Compassion, Love, Dignity and Respect are at the core of our work.

We lead from the front, providing outstanding education and innovative solutions with respect for our organisation, our people, our planet and those we serve.

We bring honour and integrity to every situation, our actions are sincere and ethical, bound by trust, honesty and respect. 

Our actions come from a place of love. We serve with kindness and compassion. Love is at the centre of everything we do.

We celebrate every person’s unique qualities and recognise, respect and embrace all differences as well as the wishes of our people, clients and families. We welcome diversity. Individually, we pride ourselves on being present, accepting and community minded.  We actively engage in self-care, self-reflection and ongoing personal and professional development.

We hold space for our people, our clients and their families. We acknowledge the connection with ALL life. We honour death as one of life’s precious transitions.

Scope of Practice

At ELDAA we have a duty of care to our members and their clients. 

We require that all of our EOL Doulas adhere to our Scope of Practice. 

The EOL Doula offers non-judgemental, compassionate support - emotional, spiritual, cultural, educational, social, and practical -  empowering clients to make informed decisions about their end-of-life care, accompanying them on their final life’s journey, and advocating for them when they can no longer communicate. 

Through respectful, honest and truthful communication, the Doula ensures the client's wishes are heard and fully understood.

The EOL Doula also provides support and resources to those who are close to, and/or caring for that person.

Limits to Practice

  • A Doula’s support and knowledge allows clients to make informed decisions about their care,  and the Doula supports those decisions without prejudice or judgement.

  • The Doula refrains from imposing his or her own beliefs or wishes upon the client.

  • Doulas understand their own personal limitations to their services and refer to other Doulas or appropriate health professionals and resources when required.

  • Doulas will always practice with a written agreement or contract with their clients,  and are required to keep records for all jobs.

  • If a Doula has qualifications in other professions or modalities (i.e nursing, herbalist,  massage therapy, etc.), she/he must make it clear that these are additional services and are not in the scope of practice of an End of Life Doula.  This must also be clear in the contract with that client.

  • Doulas uphold client confidentiality according to the NZ Privacy Act.  All information in relation to clients will be treated as strictly confidential, except in cases where:

- a Doula’s records are subpoenaed in court                    proceedings

- Failure to disclose information would place the Doula, or another person at risk of harm

- the client’s prior approval has been given to share information with a specific person/s.

Continuity of Care

  • The Doula should make back-up arrangements where possible, to ensure services to the client are continued if the Doula is unable to attend the client, due to unforeseen or unavoidable events. 

  • If the Doula is discontinuing service to the client prior to the end of the agreed term, it is the Doula's responsibility to inform the client in writing, introduce a replacement where possible and/or refund any monies paid in advance for such services.

  • The replacement person may be another Doula where possible,  or another appropriate person to provide the care required at that time.

Training & Experience

A Professional Member of ELDAA will:

  • Have completed a recognised EOL education program, and have relevant practice experience (deemed suitable by the ELDAA committee).

  • Take additional courses and training that is appropriate, and updating and submitting such personal development each year.

  • Engage with other Doulas to share experience/mentorship.

  • Provide references upon request.

  • Accurately represent their level of education and experience.

  • Keep up to date with current practices and policies in palliative and EOL care, and with the resources available to them and their clients.

Code of Ethics

At ELDAA we have a duty of care to our members and their clients.  We  require that all of our EOL Doulas adhere to our Code of Ethics. 

Doulas are accountable for their own personal conduct, practice and behaviour in whatever environment they are working in. 


  • The Doula will treat all people, including clients, their circle of care, and other professionals, with respect at all times.

  • The Doula will not discriminate against any person, because of their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or other differences.

  • The Doula will respect and support all cultural needs of the person, and will endeavour to understand and ensure adherence to those needs, even when they differ from the Doulas own culture.

  • The doula should not accept money or gifts that exceed what is stated in the contract.

  • The Doula will act in accordance with the highest standards of professional integrity.

  • The Doula will abide by both the spirit and the letter of NZ law.

  • The Doula must refrain from any actions that could be perceived as sexual or personal harassment.

  • The Doula will avoid any conflict of interest that may interfere with their ability to provide impartial, non-judgemental, support.

  • The Doula has the right to work in a safe environment. The Doula will report all unsafe work environments and/or concerns.

Ethical Responsibility to Clients

The Doula’s primary responsibility is to his or her client.

  • Where the client is unable to communicate, the Doula’s primary responsibility is to adhere to the client’s wishes where known and where possible.

  • Where the client is unable to communicate verbally, physically or cognitively, the Doula’s secondary responsibility is to those who have been declared ‘decision makers’ for the client.

  • The Doula will uphold the privacy and dignity of the client at all times.

  • The Doula has a duty to keep up to date with the latest in evidence-based information to share with clients where needed.

  • The Doula should uphold confidentiality of all information obtained during professional service. If a client shares information that needs to be shared with an outside source, due to safety or criminal reasons,  Doulas have a duty to report it in a legal, ethical and respectful way.  

  •  If a Doula wishes to share client-related information, including stories or photographs, they must obtain client permission, and then abide by their wishes.  If the client agrees to use of such material, all personal identifying information must be omitted.

  • When setting fees, the Doula should ensure that they are fair, reasonable, and commensurate with services performed. The Doula must clearly state the fees in a written contract to the client, and describe the services provided, terms of payment and refund policies.

Ethical Responsibility to Colleagues

  • The Doula should treat colleagues with respect, courtesy, fairness, and good faith.

  • The Doula’s role may overlap with other providers at times, but Doulas do not usurp the role of other professionals and caregivers involved in their client’s care.

  • The Doula has the responsibility to relate to the clients of colleagues with full professional consideration.

Ethical Responsibility to the Profession

  • ELDAA Doulas should uphold and advance the values, ethics, knowledge and mission of the profession globally.

  • The Doula is encouraged to provide services at a flexible or reduced cost,  when required and if possible, in order for equitable care for all.

*ELDAA reserves the right to update the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.

ELDAA reserves the right to revoke membership to those who do not adhere to the Scope of Practice or Code of Ethics.

Image by Ken Cheung
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