ELDAA membership
Apply to be an ELDAA member
Become a member today and collaborate with a community of like minded people for networking, support, and professional development opportunities.
Incorporated in 2024, End of Life Doula Alliance Aotearoa (ELDAA) is the only professional body for End of Life Doulas in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Join us and be part of our community as we advocate for better end of life care in Aotearoa and grow a larger collective of end of life care professionals.
Membership levels
We have two tiers of membership that have benefits and value for both practicing Doulas and those training to be a Doula or with interest in EOL Care. Please explore membership types, benefits and inclusions below.
Professional Membership
Completed level of training agreed upon by ELDAA committee
Mentorship or Practice Experience
Completed the Fundamentals of Palliative Care Programme or have applicable experience.
Completed Advance Care Planning training
Completed Assisted Dying training
Agreement to abide by ELDAA’s Scope of Practice and Code of Ethics
Informal Interview
Be offering Doula services
Hold current Professional Indemnity Insurance (NPANZ provide this for Doulas - see here for more) (recommended)
First Aid Certification (recommended)
Provide Annual Professional Development
Regular attendance of monthly online meetings where possible & participation in the Doula community.
Please note : if you do not have all of these requirements, but have applicable experience, please apply so that we can assess & discuss further with you. Thank you.
Directory listing on our website, including photo, profile, contact info & links
Access to 'Members Only' area with resources
Ability to provide articles or advertise interest courses aligned with ELDAA on our FB pages
Feature in the newsletter
Reduced fees for courses hosted or supported by ELDAA
Use of 'ELDAA Professional member' Logo
May be nominated to ELDAA committee
AGM rights
Monthly member meetings providing mentorship, education & professional development opportunities
Connection & networking with others in your area
Private FB page
Comradeship (peer support)
Associate Membership
FEE $50 Per Annum
(renews annually on the 1st July, or 50% 1 Jan-30 Jun)
We invite all non-practising, in-training, or informal doulas to join as associate members
We welcome any individuals that have an interest in EOL care